Operator Skill Levels

Your people are your most important resource. And they are the biggest line item in your operating budget. You need to know who they are and what they do. Most importantly, you need to fully understand their skill levels and their capabilities.

Concrete Cutting Consultants, LLC will provide the tools, knowledge, and experience to evaluate the skill levels of each of your employees. We start with a review of the employee's employment application, training history, and credentials file. Each employee is then privately, confidentially interviewed using our proven one-on-one conversational technique to gather additional pertinent information on her/his employment experiences.

This employee assessment continues with an on-the-job evaluation of his concrete cutting skills. Our detailed evaluation report includes cutting skills for all equipment routinely used by the employee. We also examine the employee's use and care of your equipment, driving skills, safety culture, cooperation with others, communication skills, and also interactions with, and respect towards, the customer.

Lastly, we examine and assess the employee's potential for growth as a quality cutter. Is she ready to move from slab sawing to wall sawing. Or is he a good candidate for wire sawing. These are questions that you will need to be able answer as your company's horizons become larger.

Our evaluation is complete and comprehensive. Our report will give you a whole view portrait of your employees with a clear explanation of what they can do for you and what you can expect from them.

Operator Rating

For a more exacting analysis of your work force, we can use the information gathered during the employee evaluation phase to provide a quick, easy to use reference report card for each of your operators. Using a 1-5 numeric grading system, we will give your management team a spreadsheet that clearly and simply displays the grading of each of your operators for each cutting operation.

This spreadsheet is a valuable tool for your dispatchers and project managers as they schedule work and marry the right operator with the right job. And it is a tool to aid in managing the growth of your organization. As you look ahead to market expansion, this tool will allow you to assess the growth potential of each cutter and assist you in determining additional training investments to develop the right people for your new markets and customers.